Where We Work

The targeted landscapes: Thiruvananthapuram Forest and Wildlife Divisions in Kerala (Thiruvananthapuram and Kollam Districts) Medak Forest Division in Telangana (Medak District) and Gaya Forest Division in Bihar (Gaya and Jehanabad Districts)

About the Program


Forest-PLUS 2.0: forest for water and prosperity is a five-year bilateral program launched in December 2018 by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Government of India’s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC).

The goal of the program is to improve management of targeted landscapes in three states in India for enhanced ecosystem services and increased inclusive economic opportunities.


Program Objectives


To strengthen ecosystem-based management of forest landscapes

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To factor ecosystem services into management of forest landscapes

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To increase economic opportunities from improved landscape management.

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